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Jane and Andrew's Story

Jane and Andrew spent their first quality time together at youth Traveler's events when she moved back to the Kansas City area in 2014. He led the group in many spiritual discussions, and he was initially impressed by her tough questions and blunt manner as well as her joy in serving the Lord. Jane found herself impressed by Andrew's knowledge of the scriptures and the leadership and authority he brought to the many different classes he led. Though they didn't get to spend much time one on one in those early years, they came to value each other's friendship and opinions.

In 2016, during a priesthood visit with his dad at Jane's apartment, Andrew was flooded with the Spirit and given to know that she was indeed that special one for him. But he was also told she was being prepared, and it would be quite some time that he would have to wait. Still, they began to spend more time together in deeper conversation and in personal studies of the Scriptures.

Early in 2017, Andrew got the courage to ask Jane out officially. She gave it a week to pray and ask the Lord what to do. And the next weekend when they were visiting the Saints in Tennessee, they didn't have time to be alone. So Jane slipped him a letter saying yes.
They found themselves to be a good team and worked to visit church members and take walks during their little moments of free time.

Then in the summer of that year, while Andrew was preaching at Odessa, Jane had come along. They both had to skip lunch for the afternoon service, and Jane prayed for strength to get through it. But after Andrew's sermon had finished, Jane not only didn't feel hunger pains, she felt full of energy! She prayed a thank you for the Spirit bubbling within and asked God, what do I do now?
Very simply the answer came back, marry him. After a pause and a panic, she prayed again and said, "Okay, then prepare me." And after she prayed that, the most calming and peaceful Spirit washed over her.

It would be a few weeks before they shared their testimonies for marriage with each other. They both wanted to proceed with caution. It was an exciting thing, but the timing wasn't right quite yet. And after dating for 6 months, they decided together that it might be best to take a break. Andrew and Jane still had a love for each other, but it was a difficult and confusing time for many reasons.

In the fall of 2020, Andrew approached Jane again with a desire to spend more intentional time together and began to fast together twice a week. It still wasn't easy, but after realizing what life would look like without each other, Jane and Andrew searched deep for God's plan for their lives. They discussed what marriage might actually look like, and the more they talked, the more they saw their futures come together beautifully. And by stepping out in faith, they felt the timing was finally right!

Andrew proposed on March 6, 2021 at Odessa Hills campground, a sentimental spot for them. And they both have so much to thank the Lord for and so many promised blessings to come.

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